Sunday, May 06, 2007


Hooray! Pendragon 8 comes out in (count 'em) TWO DAYS! YAY!!! If you haven't read them, you really should. I'm not going to explain the plot, though, 'cause I don't feel like it. You see, I am in the process of writing a paper for intro to drama. Ugh. I didn't do any homework this weekend so I had to do it all today. But be on the lookout for the Pilgrims of Rayne! (though I admit that the Bobby on the cover looks gay. Literally. Oh well...) I, for one, shall be reading it the day it comes out, which is in fact Tuesday. I'm also excited because SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER! I can't wait 'til summer! Especially 'cause of all the good books and/or movies coming out this year (*cough, cough* Harry Potter)! But really, guys, you should check out Pendragon. And Harry Potter if you haven't read it. And Artemis Fowl. And the Inheritance Trilogy. To name a few. So until next time everybody, remember to stay j-LARGE!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Mouthwash Tastes Like the Theory of Relativity

I may just use this as a title for my next scribe on Smith's blog... be on the lookout!

I have not done any homework in the last two days. That's not to say I didn't have any. I just didn't do it. Anyone else like that?

What is the labels thing at the bottom for? What is the point of a "label"?

I'm tired so g'night.

Remember to stay j-LARGE!

HPDH July 21st!